Streaming Heroes: Sarma Melngailis, Tom Krumins & Ruthy Heiler

Streaming Heroes: Sarma Melngailis, Tom Krumins & Ruthy Heiler

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Coming up for air from your latest binge-watch? This remix episode is for you. This week, we’re revisiting conversations with guests fresh off docuseries adaptations of their stories. For better or worse, these series highlight the unique cult experiences of their subjects, sharing their story with a wider audience than ever before.


This episode includes highlights with Sarma Melngailis restauranter and subject of Netflix’s “Bad Vegan.” Sarma shares the good and the bad that comes with sharing your story with a wider audience. Then, Boy Scouts of America whistleblower Tom Krumins, one of the primary drivers of the investigation into the organization. Then, we’ll round things out with Ruthy Heiler, the whistleblower at the heart of the series “Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals,” which explored the darkness and depravity within the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) movement.


Also… let it be known that:

The views and opinions expressed on A Little Bit Culty do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the podcast. Any content provided by our guests, bloggers, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, group, club, organization, business individual, anyone or anything. Nobody’s mad at you, just don’t be a culty fuckwad.


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Executive Producers: Sarah Edmondson & Anthony Ames

Production Partner: Citizens of Sound

Producer: Will Retherford

Writer & Co-Creator: Jess Tardy

Theme Song: “Cultivated” by Jon Bryant co-written with Nygel Asselin